Frequently Asked Questions
What is Executive Coaching?
Executive Coaching is the skill and art of engaging with clients in ways that make them think differently and more creatively, whilst inspiring and empowering them to make new or improved decisions, that lead to them taking positive actions. This leads to improved outcomes for themselves, their peer-to-peer relationships, their team and their organisation. It creates a ripple effect that feeds positive validation back to the executive - which in-turn, encourages continued growth.
Why is Executive Coaching important?
In today’s world we move fast. We are constantly working on tasks, fixing problems, managing people, selling ideas and trying to look after ourselves. All too often we do not take the time to sit back and reflect on what we are doing, if what we are doing is yielding the results we want and plan the best way forward. There is interference around us constantly, adding to the excuses that keep us from performing at our best. The role of a coach is to remove the interference and allow their counterpart to think freely, constructively and creatively, finding solutions they have not previously conceptualised. To uncover the self-induced interference strategies that keep the executive playing a smaller game than they deserve.
Yes! It works. Executive coaching is all about the outcome. Each coaching session finishes with a set of actions that the client is committed to making. They are empowered to act on these actions as the actions are their own design. The coach has guided the executive through the maze, the decision to exit the maze and the direction to go forward towards, is the executive's. As the executive devised the actions, they own them and they are therefore most likely to see them through. The other role of the coach is to hold the client accountable to their actions. So chances of success are greatly increased with a coach to support you.
Anyone who is an executive. The best athletes, business leaders and community leaders in the world all have coaches. (Coaches have coaches.) This is because we all have blindspots and it is the role of the coach to widen our perspective to new approaches and more creative and effective strategies. Coaching is for anyone open to improving their performance and willing to take ownership of their results.
How long does it take?
Typically, my coaching sessions are 90 to 120 minutes. (Industry standard is 60 minutes.) I go deeper, quicker than most coaching programs I have experienced. Sessions can be purchased individually (pay-as-you-go) or in packages of 6, or for an annual contract. Coaching sessions are usually 3-4 weeks apart to allow the client plenty of time to put into action the learnings from the last session and process their own behavioural strategies being exposed. (I find commonly, that greater ah-ha moments come in the days proceeding a coaching session, than in the session itself!) Having said all of that - the session duration, gap between sessions and number of sessions purchased is all up to you. I will recommend a formula to best address the ideal goals you set at the beginning of the service supply enquiry.
What improvements can you expect to see in an Executive?
Coaching can improve all areas of performance for an executive. It improves the way we relate self and to others, the way we make decisions, the way we communication, the way we lead and the confidence we have. I regularly work with executives who say that coaching has had a profound effect on not only their business performance but their overall levels of happiness and fulfilment. It comes from the Stephen Covey principal... "seek first to understand before being understood".
How will the training affect an Executive’s team?
The effect of executive coaching on an executive’s team is compounded by the effect of coaching on that executive. Coaching helps executives find the best solutions to problems, learn how to better manage people and expectations as well as how to listen and apply coaching techniques with their own people. It teaches them the art and science of leadership and how to let-go of the need to be first/best/right/most and instead achieve improved results and elevated cultural engagement from empowering those who work with/for them. It's good for the executive, the executive's team and the organisation they all serve.
According to a Price Waterhouse Coopers Survey coaching had a multiple of 7 times return on investment for most companies. Investing in coaching is a no brainer if you want more effective, more engaged and more fulfilled staff.
What are your Terms and Conditions?
The specific terms and conditions of supply will depend upon the service you engage. I make it easy for people to do business with me and have a healthy moral compass when it comes to fee's and payments. I do the work up-front to ensure we are a great match and I have clarity of your goal/s, budget, timeline and concerns. At all times I remain professional, approachable and flexible to achieve the best outcome with and for you. Before you engage my services, you will receive a written proposal/quotation that details all specific terms and conditions for you to consider. Transparency, clarity and certainty.
Is coaching a regulated industry?
No. Anyone can call themselves a coach and within hours of their first training, coaches are delivering services. My advice for those seeking the right coach to hire... Make sure they have a multitude of referrals/testimonials from people who can be found on LinkedIn. (Unless they are rookie coaches with low fees looking to build their experience with the excellent tools they are learning to use.) Make sure they have been trained/certified by ICF standards and a board of NLP etc. The longer they have been coaching, the higher the quality of coaching you could generally expect to receive, as so much of a coaches tool kit comes from stepping through the levels of practitioner to mastery to artistry. The 10,000 hours makes us the expert (Malcolm Gladwell). I have been coaching since 2008 and have exceeded my 10,000 hours with accredited training from ICF, ABNLP and other recognised providers.
Is on-line coaching as effective as face-to-face?
Absolutely YES! It may be a more enjoyable experience to be in the same room as your coach, but an experienced coach can deliver the same quality service across a phone, via ZOOM/TEAMS as when sitting opposite from you. In times of COVID, this makes virtual sessions a powerful medium for your professional and personal development.
Money back guarantee
You've not been coached before. Maybe you have been coached, and the experience was less than great for you! You might wonder if coaching is 'fluff' and not sure how it fits around psychology. You are sceptical about the intrinsic value of coaching and need every dollar you invest to pay personal dividends to your development. My money back guarantee will be great for you... After the 30 minute discovery chat (free of charge) I will be able to give you a quotation or proposal for the service that best fits your needs and budget (or I will try & refer you to someone who is a better fit than me, if appropriate). At the close of your first session, if you have not found value in the time spent, as long as you advise me before we end the call/session, there will no fee charged for that session completed. If you have pre-paid, your first session fee will be refunded (less $20 to cover all fees incurred). Any forward planned sessions can be cancelled without penalty with full refund on session 2 forward (if pre-paid). It hasn't happened yet - but the offer is there.
Cost guide
The specific cost of the service that suits your unique needs, can only be made after I have gathered all of the information I require, and we have agreed that we are a strong match. As a Master Coach with 13 years experience and 10,000 hours of coaching, I am not a 'cheap' solution - however... the results you gain from working with me are achieved quickly and are significant across a number of layers (career, life, relationships, wellbeing). Service provision starts at $250 (no service is provided below this fee level.)
How does your 'Confidante' service operate?
Being an executive can be a stressful and, at times, lonely experience. Who do you go to that can act as a professional sounding board, without risk to your position/career? Without fear of judgement? Without burdening those you love and care for? As your professional confidante, I am available to you within an agreed time frame each day/week/month for a period of 3 months (per contract). In these calls/sessions you can offload, brainstorm, test and seek coaching guidance on anything that is of confidential challenge to you in your life/business/career. Your secret weapon in your leadership arsenal.